Agriculture’s biggest deal ever will leave farmers and consumers paying more for less, and could accelerate a potentially catastrophic decline in the diversity of what we plant and eat.A wave of Big Ag mergers is threatening to entrench a food system that reduces nature’s edible abundance to a handful of plants on your plate.

Photo credit: Adopted by WhoWhatWhy from / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0) and Carl Wycoff / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Photo credit: Adopted by WhoWhatWhy from / Flickr (CC BY-NC 2.0) and Carl Wycoff / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
A strange psychosis has France in its grip. Confronted with an unprecedented terrorist threat, the entire nation is obsessing over a full-body swimsuit called the burkini. The world outside of France is struggling to understand why wearing it is a terrorist-sympathizing provocation. And why women are expected to affirm “French” values by wearing something else at the beach – like an itsy bitsy bikini-thong.

The bodies of French Muslim women have become a battleground.

The bodies of French Muslim women have become a battleground.

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Anne Hidalgo, the first woman mayor of Paris in its two thousand year history, didn’t appreciate the joke a fellow mayor made behind her back at the building site of a new rapid transit line.

The men eagerly gathered around her, quipped Philippe Pemezec, acted like they were going to get blowjobs.

So she named and shamed him. “Let’s grow your audience,” she wrote in an open letter posted on twitter, “so that everyone can enjoy your sense of humor, your worldview and your dignified conduct as mayor.”

Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, courtesy of
Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris, courtesy of


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The people have had their say: The UK will quit the 28-nation European Union.

Push finally came to shove and voters decided the risk of leaving the EU was a risk worth taking.

Brexit’s Trump-like central message — “Put Our Own People First” — will resonate across Europe as mostly far-right politicians follow its lead.

Memorial for Jo Cox, MP, at Trafalgar Square, London. Photo credit: Garry Knight / Flickr (CC0 1.0)
Memorial for Jo Cox, MP, at Trafalgar Square, London. Photo credit: Garry Knight / Flickr (CC0 1.0)


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